Tue. Jan 14th, 2025

Before the local government elections on Monday, director of humanitarian organisation Gift of the Givers encouraged people to vote.

“To say South Africa is in a mess is an understatement. We are hugely aware of the colossal failings in our country brought about largely by corruption, cronyism, nepotism, ego, greed, mismanagement and the paucity of skills among those entrusted with the effective functioning of our country,” said Imtiaz Sooliman.

“Active citizens don’t wait for government to act, they go ahead and fix what they can.

“But they have in their hand an immensely powerful weapon of change, called a vote, it’s free, life altering, decisive and effective, if put to use.

“Citizens can mope, moan, vent expletives, be the ostrich or get up and be counted among those involved in nation-building.”

Sooliman said there are many within public office who are ethical, sincere, committed and interested in the welfare of those they serve.

“There are those who have treated us with impunity, disdain, kicked us in our teeth, robbed us of hard-earned taxes, and demoralised, disillusioned and broke many of our people. We have the power within us to remove such individuals peacefully, legally and with decorum, all it requires is to stand with dignity, patience and faith.”

Sooliman said the criteria for selection of candidates should be determined by us, the electorate, and not depend on the false promises of emotive manifestos where those who drafted them, violate those same principles en masse.

“The candidates we want to serve our community, (irrespective of the banner under which they stand) should be ethical, honest, spiritual, God-fearing, trustworthy, altruistic and dedicated to serve communities unconditionally.”

Sooliman said these candidates should have a track record of being involved in community affairs without expecting favours in return.

“Those with racist tendencies dividing our nation are a definite no-no. Our voting must be rational and not emotional, struggle credentials are no longer a criteria for eligibility.

“We may still make a mistake after taking all the safeguards and precautions and our selected candidate may yet let us down, but there will be many who will be shining stars who will go beyond the call of duty. We have a divine responsibility to choose such people and vote them into office if not for us than at least for our future generations. Active citizenry demands that.”

Source : IOL

By Joy

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