Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping called his country a “reliable friend” for Africa on Friday as China elevated ties with Angola amid a push to further expand Beijing’s influence among developing nations.
During talks with Angolan President Joao Lourenco in Beijing, Xi said cooperation between the two countries – both developing economies – was based on “mutual help between good friends, reciprocity, and win-win cooperation”.

“In a world that is undergoing both transformation and upheaval, the two sides should continue their traditional friendship, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, firmly support each other, and achieve common development,” he said, according to a Chinese statement.

“China is a reliable friend and sincere partner for African countries in their efforts to safeguard independence, and promote development and revitalisation.”

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China views itself as a developing giant and in recent years has sought to position itself as a leader of developing economies and the so-called Global South.

As a sign of that diplomatic priority, Chinese foreign ministers have upheld a decades-long tradition of making Africa their first overseas stop every year.
In his talks with Lourenco, Xi said the “collective rise of developing countries is unstoppable”, and that “the Global South must not be absent from global governance or development and prosperity”.

“China stands ready to strengthen multilateral coordination with Angola and other African countries to safeguard the common interests of developing countries, jointly advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and an inclusive economic globalisation that benefits all, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.”

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The two countries upgraded their ties to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.
Xi said relations had “stood the test of international vicissitudes” and China was ready to work with Angola to implement key infrastructure projects and help the southern African country modernise agriculture, industrialise and diversify its economy.

Xi added that there were “huge potential and bright prospects” for mutually beneficial cooperation, and that the two countries should boost collaboration including in China’s flagship belt and road infrastructure initiative.

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According to the Chinese statement, Lourenco welcomed greater Chinese investment, and said the country was willing to work with China to achieve “more results in bilateral relations”.

“China’s support and cooperation have greatly promoted Angola’s infrastructure construction and economic and social development, setting a good example of mutually beneficial cooperation,” Lourenco was quoted as saying.

The two countries signed a number of cooperation agreements in areas including economy and trade, agriculture and green development.

Lourenco is on a four-day state visit to Beijing, which started on Thursday.

He met Zhao Leji, the head of China’s top legislative body, and Premier Li Qiang, who called for deeper exchanges in fields such as infrastructure, agriculture, new energy and digital economy.

The two countries were “good brothers and partners who trust each other”, Li told Lourenco.

By Joy

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