Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Climate change is threatening the health and survival of trees in urban areas including in Africa, with more than half of species under threat, according to a new study.

Research in the journal, Nature Climate Change says trees in cities globally are under pressure as the weather gets warmer and drier.

Trees are particularly vulnerable in countries like India, Niger, Nigeria and Togo.

Scientists want better protection of existing trees and for drought-resistant varieties to be planted.

Oaks, maples, poplars, elms, pines and chestnuts are among more than a thousand species believed to be at risk.

Trees have cooling effects and provide shade, making cities more liveable.

The researchers used the Global Urban Tree Inventory – a database recording more than 4,000 trees and shrubs planted 164 cities – to assess the likely impact of global warming.

By Joy

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