Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A church elder has been charged with manslaughter after he allegedly beat his 23-year-old son to death on August 21.

Paul Rugut, who has been in police custody for 14 days pending investigations, denied the charges on Wednesday.

He was arraigned before Eldoret Principal Magistrate Caroline Wattimah who directed that he be released on a Sh500,000 bond with a surety of a similar amount awaiting determination of the case.

The charge stated that at Kapyemit location in Turbo Sub County, he unlawfully killed his son Vincent Kimutai Bett. Following events leading to the incident, the prosecution charged him with the offence of manslaughter.

The suspect had earlier pleaded with the court to release him on lenient bond terms to take care of his children.

“The deceased is my son and as I speak now his siblings are at home waiting for me to fend for them. Some of my children are at home due to school fees, and I kindly plead with you to consider releasing me on lenient bond terms,” pleaded Rugut.

By Joy

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