Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

Now it is official: FIFA President Gianni Infantino (https://www.FIFA.com) has always acted absolutely correctly and lawfully in his relations with the Swiss public prosecutors who were investigating the “old FIFA”! The new FIFA is today a clean, well run and robust organisation which operates in accordance with the highest ethical and governance standards. 

FIFA takes note, with extreme satisfaction, of the decision of the two Extraordinary Federal Prosecutors, Hans Maurer and Ulrich Weder, to dismiss and definitively close the proceedings against Gianni Infantino in relation to the so-called “Lauber case”. 

Mr Maurer and Mr Weder were put on the case after the previous “extraordinary prosecutor” was rightfully kicked out by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in 2021 for acting with evident bias. 

The outcome of this investigation is obviously entirely unsurprising. The only surprising element is only the long time taken to reach such an obvious conclusion. 

FIFA President Gianni Infantino: “This is a full and clear victory for me, for the new FIFA and for justice!” 

“It is now clear that the accusations against me were mere attempts by poor, envious and corrupt people to attack my reputation. If these people have some dignity left, they should at least have the decency and apologise for their actions and the damage caused.” 

“Indeed and with no surprise, the investigation fully and clearly confirms that I have always acted in a lawful and correct way, always defending exclusively the interests of FIFA and football.”

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of FIFA.

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