ReconAfrica is progressing with preparations for the spudding of Prospect I in Namibia, having completed initial surveying activities and debushing. The next steps include demining operations before drilling begins in the second quarter of 2025.
Prospect I is estimated to hold 365 million barrels of unrisked and 32 million barrels of risked prospective light/medium oil resources. Additionally, the site contains 1.7 trillion cubic feet of unrisked and 126 billion cubic feet of risked prospective natural gas resources, according to an independent report by Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc.
“We have made significant strides in preparing Prospect I for drilling, accelerating our spud date to Q2 2025,” said Brian Reinsborough, President and CEO of ReconAfrica. “Our local teams are actively engaging communities and overseeing site preparations, including road and drill pad construction.”
ReconAfrica’s exploration efforts aim to unlock the hydrocarbon potential of the Damara Fold Belt, with the company’s initial well, Naingopo, already demonstrating positive reservoir results.